About Us

Company Profile
Wasel Factory. is an extension of Al Beshri Co. established since the thirties of the last century in the State of Qatar Practicing its activity in the business field including: contracting, supplying building materials and Aluminum Industry for more than75 years, The following are affiliated to Wasel Factory:
The Factory specialized in manufacturing caravans has been established in 1994, It is considered as the only Qatari factory for manufacturing trailers and caravans, which applies global safety standards and approved by the Ministry of Interior (Traffic Dept.).
2- WASEL for Sustainable & Environment-Friendly Advertising Solutions:
Another sector has been added to Wasel Factory which is Advertisement & Marketing tools: Unique and Innovative range in addition to be Sustainable and Environment-friendly, And Its earliest production was “Movable Wasel” Platforms in 2012, Depends on using the new technics based upon the concepts of sustainability and harmony with the surrounding environment. It is considered a pioneering initiative in the private sector seeking to achieve the vision of Qatar 2030 in the pillars of the economy and environment in a way that ensures harmony and consistency between the economic and social development and the environment protection.
WASEL MOVABLE UINTS Having national, regional and international copy rights provides innovative, sustainable & environment-friendly advertising solutions which is solar-powered depends upon materials recycles by 100%. Where it has been developed and manufactured in Qatar.
The factory is administrated by the Qatari Anchor & Media Man Mohamed Al Beshri who is in the field of advertisement for 18 years. Al Beshri in his capacity as the CEO of the company undertakes the direct supervision in all phases of production of this Qatari innovation and making sure that all phases of manufacturing are of the required quality as per the latest industrial methods applying all international safety standards.
“Wasel” Unipoles & Roads Billboards
Wasel Mail Boxes
Advertising “Wasel” Containers
Movable “Wasel” Billboards
Wasel Caravans
- Environmentally friendly materials based on recycled 100%.
- Fitted with lamps operate automatically with nightfall also turns off automatically with the dawning light of day.
- Jaw installed no more than two minutes making it compatible with any projects may take place on the edge of the road.
- Serve society through awareness and educational and charitable directed to all segments of society campaigns.
- Holds a national patent, regional and international.
- Qatari Pioneering project.
- Character gives aesthetically fast lines, while breaking the boredom and routine foreign fast food lines.
- Supported by the municipality through the sponsoring of many awareness campaigns in the state.
- Recommended by traffic department.
- The cost of advertising with a continued 30% less than competitors.
- Do not need to be drilled or ground rules or extenders.
- Easy to transport Simple installation.
- Solar-powered.